Proceedings of Sustainable Development Research 2023


4 Conference Organisation  
5 Plenary Speakers  
 6 Scientific Program  
7 Schedule  
8 Gyöngyi Csenger: Examination of Spotlight on Environment and Health Education in Hungarian Primary Schools PDF
16 Tímea Laczkovits-Takács, Bettina Oszter: Examination of the Ménfőcsanak District in Terms of Sustainability PDF
23 Enikő Kovács-Szépvölgyi: Digital Child Protection in the Light of Sustainability PDF
31 Roland Kelemena, Ádám Farkas, Richárd Németh: Sustainability of Election Security From a Multidisciplinary Approach PDF
39 Ádám Nagy, Krisztina Horváth, József Vitrai, Zsuzsanna Soósné Kiss: Strengthening Health Visitor Education by Incorporating Interdisciplinary Knowledge of Sustainability PDF
46 Valéria Limpók: Global Minimum Tax for Sustainable Development in Hungary PDF
54 Szilárd L. Takács: Detecting Anomalies in the Fm Frequency Band Using Statistical Methods PDF
62 Zoltán Dobrádya, Szilárd L. Takács, Timót Hidvégi: Use of Ai in Operational Technology Networks and Packet-based Attacks Detection PDF
69 Péter Tóth , Emese Makó: Sustainability Assessment of Hungarian Cycling Infrastructure Investments PDF
76 Tímea Vastag, Boglárka Eisinger-Balassa: Does a Sustainable Budget Exist in Hungary? – a Pilot Study of Measuring Overspending PDF
84 Souvanthone Phetoudom, Emese Makó: Comparison of Estimated Yielding Rate and Probability of Yielding Rate at Unsignalized Pedestrian Crossings PDF
92 Adél Vehrera, Zoltán Horváth: Culture of Nationalities in a Creative and Sustainable City PDF
99 Index of Authors  


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  • 10 invited keynotes and 2 plenaries
  • 300 abstracts 
  • 196 manuscripts for oral presentation (until now)