Examination of the Ménfőcsanak District in Terms of Sustainability

DOWNLOAD DOI: 10.62897/COS2023.1-1.16


Tímea Laczkovits-Takács, Bettina Oszter

Department of Social Studies and Sociology, Széchenyi István University, Győr, Hungary


Abstract: In this paper, we aim to examine a specific local society in Győr, in the spirit of sustainability. More precisely, we focus on the awareness of the population regarding the Győr-Ménfőcsanak district. We cover the infrastructural provision of the district (built-up institutional system, public transport, bicycle paths, civil organizations, etc.). We primarily use previous research results commissioned by the local government as a basis. We undertake a second analysis of these statistical data, and in the framework of empirical research, we map the awareness and information of the population of the district regarding the topic. The online questionnaire, published on an online platform covering that specific part of the city, is prepared for the purpose of collecting data from the population, and also provides information from the point of view of environmental awareness. Topics to be explored include food waste and distribution, selective waste collection; delivery and rental of household goods, transport habits (car, public transport, cycling, walking), the importance of keeping green areas close to nature. During the research, the population reflects on existing problems, and this can lead to the enhancement and strengthening of communication and collaboration between the local residents, civil organizations, and the local government. As a result, the local government can take concrete steps to address what is perceived as urgent tasks.



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E-mail address: cos@sze.hu

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