Digital Child Protection in the Light of Sustainability

DOWNLOAD DOI: 10.62897/COS2023.1-1.23


Enikő Kovács-Szépvölgyi

Doctoral School of Law and Political Sciences, Széchenyi István University, Hungary

Abstract: In the 21st century, child protection and the enforcement of children’s rights must be ensured and advocated not only in the traditional space but also in the digital environment. This transnational space offers young users a whole range of opportunities, but it also creates potential risks. Protecting children in relation to the digital environment is addressed in international law, both in soft and hard law documents. It is a global issue that requires broad cooperation and response, and international legal instruments on this subject can provide a common basis as a starting point. These documents refer to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of a common international framework. Given the relevance of the digital environment in the everyday life of 21st-century children, the child rights-based approach to the SDGs should include a digital child protection perspective. International organisations and business operators play an important role in achieving these goals alongside states. However, the importance of the individuals cannot be overlooked, as it is vital to ensure that children and their caretakers are aware of their rights and are able to manage risks in the digital environment, as well as that they take advantage of the opportunities offered by technology.



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