Topics and themes
The symposium will include, but not limited to, the following themes and topics applied to sustainability:
- Sustainability and Engineering & IT;
- Sustainability and energy;
- Sustainability, waste, and circular economy;
- Sustainability and economics;
- Sustainability and transportation;
- Sustainability & built environment and architecture;
- Sustainability and food engineering & agriculture;
- Sustainability and social sciences;
- Sustainability and teaching;
- Sustainability and health;
- Sustainability and law & political science;
- Sustainability and art & design.
Publication Policy
Authors of all accepted abstracts will be invited to submit 6-pages (maximum) manuscripts according to a specified template. The manuscripts will be reviewed and those that are found to be acceptable in terms of scientific quality as well as the scope of the Chemical Engineering Transactions (CET) journal, will be included in a special issue of the CET journal. Those that are found to be acceptable with respect to scientific quality but fall outside the scope of the CET journal, submission in extended form to other suitable journals would be encouraged. A list of suitable journals will be provided before the conference. Those that are not found acceptable in terms of scientific quality would be rejected.