Examination of Spotlight on Environment and Health Education in Hungarian Primary Schools

DOWNLOAD DOI: 10.62897/COS2023.1-1.8


Gyöngyi Csenger

Széchenyi István University, Győr, Hungary


Abstract: Health education and promotion, as important elements of education for sustainability, prepare students to respect health as a value and be able to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society and economy in an active and constructive way. The purpose of this study is to present the link between the environment and health, as well as the theoretical background and pedagogical practice of health education. Such a link was evaluated by examining three tools that shed light on Hungary’s educational system: the content of national curricula, the school programs, and a survey performed with elementary school educators. Environment and health education can be supported by project work highlighting sustainability and the importance of environment protection, as it is represented in this paper. The novelty of this environmental education project is the module focusing on environmental hazards, as this is an extracurricular topic. The survey carried out among learners after the project implementation proved that they understood - among other things – the importance of waste management and the effects of environmental pollution on the food chain. 



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