Sustainability Of Election Security From A Multidisciplinary Approach

DOWNLOAD DOI: 10.62897/COS2023.1-1.31


Roland Kelemena, Ádám Farkas

Széchenyi István University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Győr, Hungary

Richárd Németh

Széchenyi István University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Informatics and Electrical Engineering, Győr, Hungary

Abstract: The study discusses the importance of election security in modern information age and its impact on democracy. It emphasizes that elections are crucial for democratic functioning, and any threats to their integrity undermine public confidence in the political system. With the increasing digitisation of the electoral process and the reliance on social media for election campaigns, the risks of interference and misinformation have escalated. The paper explores the relationship between national security and sustainability in today’s security environment, highlighting the complexity and totality of security challenges. It argues that sustainability is essential to safeguard security interests in the long term, encompassing not only material aspects but also cognitive and societal resilience. The study delves into the cyber vulnerabilities of electoral systems, such as attacks on e-voting systems and attempts to manipulate related information. It underlines the importance of network and internet security in protecting election-related systems and data and also addresses the role of social media in spreading misinformation and disinformation during elections, as well as the need to enhance security awareness and resilience among the public and election officials. It presents EU and national legislation and practices in this area and then identifies areas where progress is needed in both regulation and best practice to achieve sustainability, based on these and on the experience of recent years.



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