Comparison of Estimated Yielding Rate and Probability of Yielding Rate

at Unsignalized Pedestrian Crossings

DOWNLOAD DOI: 10.62897/COS2023.1-1.84

Souvanthone Phetoudom, Emese Makó

University of Gyor, Department of Transport Infrastructure and Water Resources Engineering

Abstract: At present, the introduction of environmentally friendly modes of transport is the focus of several countries to solve urban traffic and environmental problems. The sustainability of transport is becoming a global objective, especially with the recent strong increase in urban population and travel activity. Transport is one of the main contributors to environmental pollution. Walking is one of the most sustainable modes of transport for short distances, but the increase in pedestrian casualties is a cause for concern. When approaching the uncontrolled crosswalk, drivers naturally slow down and drive carefully to avoid collisions. Therefore, the number of pedestrians at the crosswalk has a direct impact on the capacity of the roadway to delay vehicles on a given stretch of road. The aim of the present study is to investigate the interaction between drivers and pedestrians in order to know how much pedestrians influence the flow of vehicles, which can affect the capacity of the road. The Hungarian city of Sopron, a city with a population of approximately 62,000 (2023) close to Hungary’s western border with Austria, was chosen as the study area. The study also aims to evaluate how pedestrians and drivers behave at the studied locations. To predict the yielding rate of drivers seeing pedestrians crossing the road, logistic regression was used. The results of the multiple linear regression calculation show that the independent and dependent variables have a correlation of 91 %. The p-value of each parameter is greater than 0.05, which means that it is not statistically significant. However, this does not mean that the results cannot be used, as there is still a probability that the return will be close to the initial return. The smallest p-value for the variable length equal to road width is the main factor that causes drivers to slow down and give priority to pedestrians. As a result, the p-value of each parameter is more significant than 0.05, which means that no effect was observed at the locations studied. It is necessary to observe more locations with different road environments, geometries, traffic volumes, and road categories. The impact of pedestrian crossing flows on road capacity in the presence of autonomous vehicles needs to be investigated in further research, as well as how pedestrians will react to automated vehicles and whether this would affect their behaviour.



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